Here goes nothing
I am not a writer, let’s just start there. Writing is something I love when it is done well but to be perfectly honest I barely passed my English classes in school. I don’t think in words, my mind likes pictures better. I’d love to be great with language, to express myself with beauty, to write with elegance and convey ideas with clarity. I hope thisĀ blogĀ helps me hone some of those skills over time. My attempt will be to document pieces and parts of the consciousness stream that flows through my mind. We all have good days and bad, hopefully by thinking about our lives and experiences we can learn something and become better. Better people, better friends, better lovers, better servants, just better. Most days I don’t know what to say or do or think, I just wander and thoughts jump into and out of my mind like bacon grease in a frying pan. Maybe by writing some of this stuff down and sharing it with you, whoever you are, it will help me process and turn that stream of brainwaves into useful knowledge, maybe even wisdom. Can’t promise I will always come to a conclusion but I can promise I’ll be honest, honest with you and honest with myself. I hope you can do the same. Let’s get started.